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REVERSO Translation Software |
The REVERSO family of machine translation systems features
the following products/language pairs:
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these pictures illustrate
Reverso French-English
French to/from English Translation
©Softissimo, PROMT, Ltd.
The French-English translation software Reverso Pro can translate, in seconds, documents of all kinds and
sizes. Its direct integration with Microsoft Word and Excel coupled with dictionary enhancement
ability makes the Reverso machine translation system perfectly suitable for
any type of use.
The system is geared towards users whose knowledge of
is minimal or none. It will
help them communicate and make them understood. It can also be an efficient productivity boosting tool for professional translators.
Reverso's intelligent translation engine respects idioms, gives priority to expressions before words and differentiates translations according to grammatical functions.
REVERSO is an integrated environment incorporating 4 specialized applications in one
called Integrator. The Integrator is represented by a pop-up panel on the desktop or
by an icon on the Taskbar.
REVERSO Pro includes:
REVERSO Pro, a professional machine translation system.
- File Translator, an application for batch document
- WebView, an on-line Web
page translator.
- QTrans, an auxiliary application for fast translation of small texts.
REVERSO Pro features:
- Direct integration with MS Word and Excel
95/97/2000/XP, MS PowerPoint and Outlook 2000/XP with access to most
functions of these applications.
- Real translation accuracy thanks to the advanced
translation engine and comprehensive multipurpose built-in general
- Exceptional translation speed: 1 second per page on
an average PCs.
- Possibility to create an unlimited number of custom
dictionaries. The vocabulary can be extended by specialized
- Possibility to customize translation by selecting a
matching topic template, preferred type of the translation algorithm,
British or American spelling, etc.
- Translation of text from the clipboard and integration
with other applications via the clipboard.
- Support of the following file formats: MS Word 2, 6,
7, 97, 2000, RTF, Text, HTML.
- Rich translation environment allowing synchronous
scrolling and "tool tip translation", etc.
File Translator:
- Provides text translation in batch mode.
- Enables users with a high volume of documents to organize a translation queue and translate documents in the background mode.
- Allows setting specific parameters of translation for each document.
- Provides higher speed of translation.
- Synchronous translation of web pages published in
or French.
- Navigation through the hyperlinks both in the original page and the target windows.
- Search in the native language: translation of the
search query and
the response page.
- Save and print function for the original page and its translation.
- Specialized and user dictionaries can be added.
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System Requirements:
- Pentium PC.
- 32 MB RAM.
- Windows 98/Me or NT/2000/XP or later.
- 40 MB free hard disk space.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or later) for WebView.
1. Reverso is used by: Compaq,
France Telecom, Lycos, Nestlé, Renault, Voila, etc.
2. The following portal sites have chosen the Reverso
translation engine to provide automatic translation services to their
Internet audience: lycos.es, lycos.de, voila.fr, etc.
3. Press:
Windows News - Summer 99
"The level of understanding of the text is simply surprising (close to 100 %)."
Capital - October 1999
"Reverso Pro: the top in machine translation . Number 1 in sales at the Fnac department store in this area. In the French-English / English-French version, this machine translation system is able of convert a page of text in one second."
PC Expert, September 1999
"A talented translator: I was really convinced by the results. Sophisticated, it knows a heap of words and forms. Curious, it likes to be taught new terms continuously. Diplomatic, it knows how to suggest alternatives in case of doubt."
PC Expert - November 1999
"Considering the test results, Reverso outperforms its competitors on every score without any doubt. The translations are the most legible, even if, at times, they lack precision. The vocabulary is rich, particularly for technical terms and idiomatic expressions. But it is when you use it that Reverso reveals itself as a rich tool. This software is easy to expand, pleasant to use and very fast. In short, a software that is talented and full of resources."
"1999 Redactor's choice"
PC Professional - March 1999
"Thanks to its various functions, the machine translation of Softissimo will meet the demand of a large range of users […] Translation on the fly, integration
in Word and Excel, practical interface, remarkable speed of execution."
Pro French
Translation Software
Reverso Pro Site License is a budget solution based
on the Reverso Pro desktop translation
software from/to English to/from Spanish, French, and German, To
find out about our site license
pricing, please give us a call at (416) 763-4256.
| Multilingual
Software -
Home Page |
Translation Software:
| Spanish-English |
French-English | German-English
| French-German |
LEC Translation
| Japanese |
Chinese | Korean |
Spanish | French |
German | Italian |
Portuguese |
Language Software:
SPELLINK Spell-checker | Context
Dictionary | OCR FineReader |
Localization Software:
| ParaWin
Localization | Fonts |
Windows CE and
| ParaWin
CE Localization | Pocket CONTEXT |
Handheld Dictionary
| MAC Software |
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ph: +1 416
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