Over 500 Russian phrases and sentences with their English equivalents, grouped in 15 topics.
Russian phrases pronounced by a native Russian speaker.
15 phrasebook topics: Greetings, Congratulations, Romantic Relations, At Home,
Job, Shopping, State, Family, Travel, Entertainment, etc.
The Attachment presents: days of the week,
months, and numerals.
You can use Russian PhraseBook Voice to:
Russian translations of over 500 typical English phrases and
Russian phrases pronounced by a native speaker.
Find any
word used in the phrasebook, which is especially useful for quick
search of the necessary phrase.
Great for learning Russian!
IMPORTANT: Russian PhraseBook Voice can be purchased separately or as a part of several Russian Software
Packages. These packages provide tremendous savings and include
Russian translation software, Russian
and English (for your Russian friend) language learning software,
phrasebook and dictionary programs with voice feature, writing tools. For
more info, please click here.
Windows 7/Vista/XP/98/Me/95/NT/2000.
Pentium 75 MHz.
20 MB RAM (32 MB recommended).
2 MB of free hard disk space. (NOTE:
If you have 300 MB of free hard disk space, you can choose to install
the complete set of the Russian PhraseBook files on your hard disk; if you choose a
basic (2 MB) installation, you will need to work with the CD-ROM in your
4x CD-ROM Drive (8 x recommended).
8 bit Windows-compatible sound card (16 bit
IMPORTANT: Russian PhraseBook Voice can be purchased separately or as a part of several Russian Software
Packages. These packages provide tremendous savings and include
Russian translation software, Russian
and English (for your Russian friend) language learning software,
phrasebook and dictionary programs with voice feature, writing tools. For
more info, please click here.